Monday, November 30, 2009

The next SPIT meeting will be held January 15-16, 2010 at the University of Texas Arlington. The good folks at UT-Arlington have created a website with details regarding the meeting.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The 2009 SPIT meeting was held in mid-January at the University of Texas-Austin. There was the usual mix of research talks, socializing, and awarding of the SPIT Spirit Award (pictured at right). In another development, I (Alan Reifman) will now be maintaining the SPIT website, in blog form. This website will be a clearinghouse of SPIT-related updates, historical information, and links to current participants' academic homepages.

Below is a photograph from the 2009 meeting, during one of the breaks between talks (you can click on this photo, as well as all others, to enlarge).

The remaining photos are from the group's historical collection...